Short Order: Deliver us from this torment

We're playing a new game in our family. It's called Waiting For The Supermarket Delivery.

We're playing a new game in our family. It's called Waiting For The Supermarket Delivery. Ever since I pulled a ligament by schlepping a lot of shopping up the 32 stairs to our apartment and decided that my schlepping days were over, we've had hours of happy fun wondering where the #$!@*&% delivery has got to and making frenzied phone calls to the store. The first two weeks, everything went swimmingly; our order arrived within a couple of hours, and we were charmed. The week after, it was six, and my stuff was standing in someone else's fabric softener. Week after that, we sat it out for 12 hours because first they brought us someone else's order, then they left ours behind in their refrigerator. This week, an order registered at 11:45 a.m. arrived at 6:15 p.m. The supermarket is four minutes' drive from our building. Who will deliver us from this torment? POULTRY is better for you than red meat, and turkey is better for you than chicken, having more protein and less fat. With this in mind one day, I contemplated two substantial turkey thighs I was planning to serve for dinner the following evening - remembering that most times I had roasted turkey parts they tended to dry out and become rather tough. This time, I promised myself, would be different. I decided to marinate the thighs using a recipe that has been successful with chicken (you can taste it and vary the quantities): ORANGE & SAGE MARINADE 2⁄3 cup orange juice 3 Tbsp. soy sauce 1-2 garlic cloves, crushed 3 Tbsp. chopped fresh sage (or 6-8 dried leaves) 2-cm. piece fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped, or 11⁄2 tsp. powdered black pepper to taste I left the turkey in the marinade overnight, and made sure it was well soaked the next morning. To keep the precious moisture in, I decided I would bake the thighs in a 180° oven for up to three hours (those pulkes are thick!) keeping them covered with silver foil the entire time except for occasional basting. Mindful that turkey doesn't produce as much juice as chicken during cooking, I reserved some of the marinade for use halfway through the baking process. Result: The turkey thighs browned appetizingly, despite their foil cover - and they were moist and very tender. Another great marinade: red wine, sliced onion, sliced carrot, a garlic clove or two and a bay leaf. YOSEF GILBOA from Rehovot sent me a recipe for "really fat-free, salt-free potato chips (crisps)." Who wouldn't be tempted? YOSEF'S SIN-FREE, BUT NOT SKIN-FREE POTATO CHIPS 2 medium red-skinned potatoes, washed but not peeled Preheat the oven to 100°-110°. Cover a cookie sheet with baking paper. Use the Turbo setting if you have it. Slice the potatoes into 1-mm. slices. Place them on the baking sheet as crowded together as possible. They will shrink. Put the baking sheet on the lowest shelf of the oven and bake for 1-11⁄2 hours. "When the chips are slightly brown and crisp," writes Yosef, "remove them from the oven and hide them from your family." In somewhat more generous mood, he advises: "Get ready to make the next batch. They don't last long! If you have two cookie sheets, make a double recipe. Eat one batch yourself, and share the other with your family. "P.S. I have not found a recipe like this anywhere. These potato chips are crisp and have a delicate saltiness that may take salt addicts a while to appreciate. So salt them afterwards, if you must (or before baking)." HAVE YOU seen those miniature watermelons on sale at the supermarket? They're cute and easy to handle. And since a watermelon's taste and texture begins to deteriorate once it's been cut, these babies are ideal for small families, or those planning just one meal. "CAFES, restaurants and even the Supreme Court are employing hundreds of adults with special needs throughout Jerusalem," said a 2005 In Jerusalem article headlined "Select service." On a recent Friday morning, while having lunch in the cafe-restaurant on the main floor of the Harel Mall in Mevaseret Zion, I observed a neatly attired young man with Down syndrome polishing and arranging cutlery, stacking plates and doing other jobs in a quiet and efficient manner. What differentiated him from his co-workers was not just his concentration on the task at hand, but his obvious pleasure in what he was doing. According to the manager of one of these equal-opportunity enterprises, such workers "have good relationships with the other employees and are considered valuable members of the staff." Seeing this young man in action, I didn't doubt it.