Shavua Tov! Happy Carnival!

Carnival in Brazil, the only party in the world in which a entire country (as big as Brazil) stops, (literally! From the national congress to the business reality of São Paulo, everything stops because of this party) with a single objective, celebrate! Celebrate what? Nothing, just celebrate. I think this is the truly patriotic party of Brazil.


Although, I'm not a big fan of Carnival, I'm feel happy when I see so many different people getting together to drink, have fun and dress up in a weird way. 


Despite of the big mess (the Brazilian carnival is a big - more or less organized - mess), there are no hate crimes, no terror attacks and from north to south of one of the biggest countries in the world, jews and gentiles, men and women, black and white, get together to celebrate! And, to criticize, through many different types of satire, problems such as corruption and lack of infrastructure that we face in Brazil.


I don't drink alcoholic beverages and I don't like to be surrounded by so many people like happens during any type of Carnival party in Brazil (there are many types of parties, you just need to find the kind you like), however I recognize the beauty of this amazing party and how it represents what it means to be brazilian.


This incredible party, somehow, make my Jewish self and my brazilian self unite and complete each other through the beat of the drums and the smile of all of those around me.