Labor proposes solution for African migrant issue

Labor submitted a bill defining refugees’ rights on Tuesday, representing the party’s new policy on migrants.
The bill was composed by opposition leader Shelly Yechimovich (Labor), Labor MKs Avishai Braverman and Daniel Ben-Simon, as well as MKs Shlomo Molla and Nino Abseadze of Kadima.
The new legislation, which the 95-MK coalition is unlikely to approve, calls for a process in which a committee will determine the status of migrants entering the country.
Each year, 2,000 refugees will be absorbed and recognized according to international standards, and others will be returned to their home countries.
The bill explains that, according to the Central Bureau for Statistics, there will be 9.6 residents in Israel in 2030. Should the legislation pass, refugees will only be 0.375 percent of the population in 18 years.