We Are Here

Toby would like to see more nuance added to D"ash's quizzes.

Letters 521 (photo credit: Thinkstock/Imagebank)
Letters 521
(photo credit: Thinkstock/Imagebank)
Dear D”ash,
I enjoy reading your magazine and sharing it with the students here in our school. However, one regular feature that really bothers me consistently is the quiz. Quizzes can be fun and occasionally insightful but the quizzes you publish are generally insulting and even offensive. Often, I wonder if these quizzes are meant as a joke. If so, they are not very funny.
I would like to see more nuance added to your quizzes instead of reinforcing “black and white” thinking and narrow stereotypes. One reason we receive D”ash is to give a glimpse of daily life in Israel, not to dumb down and simplify the society.
I want to commend interns Mara Friedman and Benjamin Tenzer on their contributions to the June issue!
Thank you,
Toby Harris, Librarian
Temple De Hirsch Sinai
Dear Toby,
Thank you very much for your thoughtful, insightful letter. I really appreciate you taking the time to write to us with your critiques of the D’’ash quizzes. To be honest, the quizzes are also the toughest section for us. We have also received some other negative feedback from other readers about the quizzes. So guess what? Because D’’ash team considers our readers more than anything else in determining our editorial choices, this month will be the last month with the “Test Yourself” quizzes.
We thought long and hard about what to put in Test Yourself’s place. Recently, we have received feedback from several teenagers that wanted to know more about Israeli teens, celebrities, and tech innovations.
We thought the best solution was to create a new page called Israeli VIP. It will give fun facts about who we think is a very important Israeli that month. This will range from profiles of Israeli teens, to Israeli celebrities, to Israelis doing great, original things in the world. Basically, Israeli VIP will give you a small window into Israelis that you’d love to learn more about. We are also in the midst of coming up with a few new pages, so stay tuned. Feel free to give us feedback! Last but not least, we are glad you appreciated Mara and Ben’s pieces. We are very proud of our young writers and are glad you liked their contributions to the June magazine.
Best, D’’ash team