Cabinet unanimously approves health basket expansion

The cabinet on Sunday unanimously approved an approximately NIS 300 million expansion of the health basket, pursuant to the proposal of Deputy Health Minister Ya’acov Litzman. The expansion will take effect at the beginning of next month.
The 2013 health basket was formulated by the Public Committee on the expansion of the Health Basket chaired by Shaare Zedek Medical Center directorgeneral Prof. Jonathan Halevy.
The 2013 health basket will focus on preventive care: For the first time, more than 50,000 eighth-grade girls will be inoculated against cervical cancer. Innovative drugs for the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer will be added including Afinitor, Perjeta and Avastin, as well as an innovative drug for treating prostate cancer, Zytiga. The basket will also include nuchal translucency testing (for early detection of Down syndrome) and advanced pregnancy tests for various genetic diseases.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said, “This is a very significant expansion of the health basket: Important medicines and medical technologies, including preventing cervical cancer among woman, breast cancer, prenatal tests and advanced pregnancy treatments. All of this is advanced preventive and therapeutic treatment.”