WikiLeaks: Cable outlines antisemitism in Spain

A diplomatic cable released on the WikiLeaks website this week, documents former US ambassador to Spain Eduardo Aguirre preparing US Senator Joe Lieberman for a  January 2008 visit to Spain.
The cable outlines areas of cooperation and tension between the US and Spain, but also discusses the status of Spain's Jews and Spanish relations with Israel. Senator Lieberman is Jewish and has been a staunch supporter of Israel.
The cable says that Spain's estimated 50,000 to 100,000 Jews are occasionally subject to anti-Semitism.
"Anti-Semitism remains an undercurrent in Spain; swastikas and other graffiti appear periodically on buildings and in neighborhoods associated with Judaism or the pre-expulsion Sephardic presence. Neo-Nazi propagandists and ultra-rightists remain present in Spain, most significantly along the Mediterranean coast in Valencia and Barcelona, but also in all major cities. In Madrid, skinheads, Falangists and Franco supporters make their presence known through infrequent demonstrations and marches, as well as by harassing the growing immigrant population," Aguirre stated in the cable.