Letters to the Editor: Privacy in grief

As a longtime subscriber to The Jerusalem Post, I was upset to see your frontpage photograph taken at the funeral of Ziv Mizrahi.

Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Privacy in grief
As a longtime subscriber to The Jerusalem Post, I was upset to see your frontpage photograph taken at the funeral of Ziv Mizrahi, showing his mother in a state of collapse at the graveside (“‘With a knife in his heart, my son shot the terrorist,’” November 25).
Doesn’t the bereaved family deserve some privacy in its grief? You chose sensationalism over sensitivity, and that was not a good choice.
In the future, please try to be more aware of how the photographs you publish could hurt people when they are most vulnerable.
No deterrent
our November 22 editorial “No deterrent” was spot on. Home demolitions of family members of terrorists is no deterrent to further acts of terrorism, and they are merely the government’s way of saying look, we are doing something.
Truth to tell, there is no easy remedy at hand, bearing in mind that our Arab enemies have no Achilles Heel whatsoever, certainly not death, which many actively seek.
The inaction by our government is costing more Israeli Jewish lives day by day. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has to take to heart the aphorism “fight fire with fire” – not to demolish homes but to remove terrorists’ families en masse from their homes and relocate them outside Israel.
Left-wing bleatings of “unfair” must be ignored if we are to be spared even more funerals.
Unsung hero
With regard to “A struggle for recognition” (November 25), your piece on the recent event that highlighted the role played by the Philippines during the Holocaust, we are proud that other important institutions are following our efforts to recognize the key players of this beautiful chapter. We all owe them a debt of gratitude.
Last August 19, coinciding with 127th birthday of Philippines president Manuel L. Quezon and the reopening of the Manila memorial named after him, the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF) posthumously bestowed upon him the Raoul Wallenberg Medal as a token of recognition to his open-door policy that enabled the influx of some 1,300 European Jewish refugees to the Philippines, thus saving them from the claws of the Nazis.
Quezon’s original plans were even more ambitious; he wanted to absorb some 100,000 Jewish refugees, but the Japanese invasion thwarted his intentions.
President Quezon was a great man who chose not to remain indifferent in the face of evil. His spirit of solidarity, so deeply rooted in the soul of the Filipino people, should be remembered and divulged for the sake of the young generations.
We are very happy to have contributed to securing proper recognition for this hitherto unsung hero.
EDUARDO EURNEKIAN BARUCH TENEMBAUM New York The writers are chairman and founder, respectively, of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation.
It was Philippine president Manuel Quezon who, when he saw the labeling of the Jews for discrimination, took a step and opened the doors to his very poor country. Just for being the first to do so, Yad Vashem should give him a special place of honor.
The photo of US Department of Defense official Charles Allen in “The Architect,” (Frontlines, November 20) was incorrect. The correct photo appears below. The Post regrets the error.