Animation festival draws international VIPs

The four-day program features around 100 events including, naturally, animation films, as well as sessions with some of the artists, and workshops.

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animation pic 88 224
(photo credit: Courtesy)
The eighth annual Animation, Comics and Caricatures Festival kicks off at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque on August 13. The four-day program features around 100 events including, naturally, animation films, as well sessions with some of the artists, workshops, master classes, exhibitions, activities for children, lectures and stalls stacked with a wide range of comics from all over the world, and from different eras. Like every year, the event, which is supported by the Education Ministry as well the Tel Aviv Municipality, the Cinematheque and the Israeli Film Council, will host a number of acclaimed artists from abroad. One of this year's VIPs is top animator Eric Goldberg, who has worked on a string of box-office hits, such as Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Aladdin and Pocahontas. The festival also offers a rare opportunity to get a handle on some of the best animated efforts of artists from around the world, and to see works that wouldn't normally find their way to these shores. The film program includes works by artists from Argentina, Canada, Estonia, Poland and France, as well as a spotlight on the expanding oeuvre of animation from Israel. For more information: