In letter, Schalits ask Quartet to call for Gilad's release

Noam and Aviva Schalit sent a letter to Quartet Mideast envoy Tony Blair to deliver to the working group ahead of their meeting set to take place Monday. The letter expressed their hope that the Mideast peace working group would take up the cause of their son, captive IDF soldier Gilad Schalit.
"It is our request and our hope that the honorable forum will clearly state... and demand the immediate release of Gilad without conditions or at least along the offer by the German negotiator.
"Implementing the German deal will also allow some 1,000 Palestinian prisoners to celebrate the sacred Ramadan holiday in their homes," the letter said.
One of the most urgent and intractable issues between Israel and the Palestinians, it continued, "is the case of our son Gilad Schalit, who was kidnapped by the Palestinians and is being illegally held already for more than five years by Hamas. Holding our son for the purposes of blackmail and bargaining, without any basic human rights and not allowing [him] any contact with the International Committee of the Red Cross - is clearly a war crime under article 8 of the Rome Statute."