Lapid vows to 'change Israel's operating system'

Journalist turned politician Yair Lapid outlined the agenda he intends to promote in his new political career at a conference of businessmen in Eilat on Thursday.
In the first public speech since he entered politics on January 8, Lapid vowed to represent ordinary middle-class secular Israelis in what he described as a fight over the country's future in which the enemies are corrupt politicians, wealthy tycoons, and haredim (ultra-Orthodox).
“Israeliness is under attack but we can still stand up and say this country is ours and we are demanding it back,” Lapid said. “The most terrific people in the world live here. We have no spare country and I don't intend to surrender it. Giving up is not an option.”
Lapid outlined a four-step plan for “changing the operating system of the country.” He called for changing the political system, repealing laws that help the haredim avoid secular studies and army service, fighting corruption, and encouraging economic growth.