Mullen: Engagement with Iran must be realistic

The US needs to be realistic about its efforts to engage Iran, and that the Islamic Republic's leaders are lying about Teheran's nuclear ambitions which are focused on building nuclear weapons, US military senior officer Adm. Mike Mullen said in a CNN interview to air on Sunday, according to a Reuters report.
He added that the US military has been working on military options on Iran "for a significant period of time" but that diplomacy is still the main option behind US efforts.
"I still think it's important we focus on the dialogue, we focus on the engagement, but also do it in a realistic way that looks at whether Iran is actually going to tell the truth, actually engage and actually do anything," Mullen said.
When Asked whether he believed Iran's claims that its nuclear program was for meant peaceful purposes, the US military leader said: "I don't believe it for a second. In fact, the information and intelligence that I've seen speak very specifically to the contrary," Reuters quoted Mullen as saying.