Poll: Islamist parties would fare best in Egypt elections

Islamist parties will win the most seats in parliamentary elections in Egypt where they were set to take place today, according to an Arabic-language poll conducted on social-networking website Facebook.
According to the unofficial poll, which asked voters to choose which party would have their vote in elections, 38 percent of Egyptians would choose the Freedom and Justice Party, the largest and one of the best organized of political parties in Egypt. The party has ties with the Muslim Brotherhood.
An additional 12% said they would cast their vote for the rightist Al-Nour party, a Salafi Islamist party.
The survey, which polled 38,071 Facebook users at the time of writing, indicated that liberal, secular parties would receive the lowest amount votes. The most popular secular party, the Al-Masreen Al-Ahrar faction, only received 2% of votes.
Voters were asked to choose from 10 different options, reflecting only a fraction of the dozens of registered political parties in Egypt.
More than a quarter of those polled, 26%, responded that they were unsure which party they would vote for.