Weinstein: Prosecutors, police leaks 'deeply troublesome'

Attorney- General Yehuda Weinstein came out against what he described as the phenomenon of leaks from prosecutor and police offices in criminal investigations, Israel Radio reported Wednesday.
In a letter sent to the heads of the state prosecutor and Israel Police, Weinstein cited Supreme Court Judge Elkaim Rubenstein in a ruling rejecting a request from Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman to investigate leaks in his case. Rubenstein said that the leaks are deeply troublesome and harm the rights of the accused to mount a defense, and undermine the public's faith in objective investigations.
Rubenstein added that police officers leaking information are not immune from investigation themselves and actually must be held to higher standards in upholding the law.
Weinstein said that Rubenstein's statements are basic principals and that information leaks are not in line with the rights of citizens to basic human dignity.