Blog: Jerusalem Diaries

You can't get on a bus without being poked in the rear a dozen times with someone's stray lulav.

diairies88 (photo credit: )
(photo credit: )
13 ways to tell it's Succot Posted October 16, 2005 • You can't get on a bus without being poked in the rear a dozen times with someone's stray lulav. • The sweet smell of etrogim in Jerusalem's Mahane Yehuda (Yehuda Market) is overpowering. Huge crowds descend on the parking lot near the market to vie for the best lulav and etrog. Read the rest of this blog>> Readers' Comments Dr. Carolina L. Widmann, Switzerland & USA: Succot is coming. I just wanted to wish all fellow readers a very Happy Succot. It is a time for celebration, this why, just a few words to say, Happy Succot and it is always a pleasure to read readers's comments at Cafe Oleh. It is very communicative and motivating. Happy Holidays! Shalom! To read more Cafe Oleh Blogs click here * * * The real reasons for making aliya Welcome Home Sisters...? The irony of it A small news item
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