Woman medic delivers own baby

Beduin infant was born in a bathroom.

beduin baby 311 (photo credit: Kaplan Hospital)
beduin baby 311
(photo credit: Kaplan Hospital)
A Beduin woman from Rahat in the Negev who works as a medic delivered her own baby girl alone in the bathroom of her parents’ home in Gan Yavneh. She was rushed afterwards to Rehovot’s Kaplan Medical Center, where the baby was found to suffer from a virulent Shigella bacterial infection and given antibiotic infusions under isolation.
The self-delivery occurred a week ago but was reported by Kaplan on Thursday after the baby’s condition improved.
"I didn’t think twice," said Asmahon Abu-Yihye, the mother of five, as she saw the baby’s head emerging. "I used my senses as a medic, and then I wrapped her up in a tower and called Magen David Adom. She added that she intentionally stayed in the Rehovot area at the end of each pregnancy so she could deliver at Kaplan.
Dr. Levana Sinai, head of the neonatal unit at the hospital, said the bacteria are liable to infect the nervous system and even be fatal as a result of high fever and dehydration. But the baby is now in good condition.
Kaplan obstetricians advised that women outside of hospitals who suddenly feel they are giving birth should call for MDA, a doctor or midwife who is nearby. Life on a bed or other straight surface so the baby does not fall and get hurt. Try to relax, close your eyes and breathe deeply and slowly.
Pull the baby’s shoulders after the head pushes through the birth canal. Clean the baby well and cover it with a blanket or towel to keep it warm. Do not cut the umbilical cord in a non-sterile way; wait for MDA. If one has a sterile gauze, one can tie the cord between the baby and the placenta, but do not cut it. If the placenta has not come out, wait; when it has emerged, massage the abdomen in circular motions to help contract the womb and reduce bleeding.