'Lettuce ladies' urge Kazakhs: No more horse meat

Two Borat-inspired British animal rights activists clad in lettuce bikinis braved the winter chill in the Kazakh commercial capital Almaty on Tuesday, urging Kazakhs to stop eating horse meat and to turn vegetarian. The activists from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, said their message was positive, unlike the hit spoof movie "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan." "The Borat film is ridiculing Kazakhstan, but we come with a positive message: how to live a healthier, longer life" said Yvonne Taylor, one of the two Lettuce Ladies, her teeth chattering as they stood in Almaty's main square in freezing temperatures. The Borat film, which features a rowdy Kazakh journalist played by British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, drew huge international media attention to the obscure former Soviet republic, as well as complaints from the Kazakh government that the country was not shown in a favorable light.