Sheetrit: Israel should wipe out all of Hamas leadership

A large-scale ground operation in the Gaza Strip will not put an end to Kassam rocket fire on the western Negev, Interior Minister Meir Sheetrit said Thursday morning, following the death of 47-year-old Roni Yihye in a Kassam attack at Sapir College Wednesday. "I am opposed to an operation [that includes] entering and overtaking Gaza," Sheetrit said. "This is the wrong approach, and it won't lead us anywhere. We won't just go in and suddenly everything will be okay." Israel, he said, must rather go the way of upping targeted killings among the full gamut of Hamas leadership. "We must not let anyone involved in the shooting to stay alive," Sheetrit, who is also a member of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, said. "I am opposed to hesitation and in favor of wiping out anyone who is in Hamas; from the military and political echelons, no matter who."