No sex in the city

Ichilov Hospital's sex clinic is reporting a dramatic increase in the number of people seeking help for sexual problems such as low libidos.

Tel Aviv's baby boom may seem to indicate otherwise, but something is rotten in the sex lives of Tel Avivians, reports Yediot Tel Aviv. Ichilov Hospital's sex clinic is reporting a dramatic 26 percent increase in the number of people seeking help for sexual problems such as low libidos, erectile difficulties and a lack of enjoyment. According to the report, the rise in the number of those seeking help was most marked among men, with 36% more men going to the clinic in 2007 than in 2006, compared with a 22% rise among women in the same period. Clinic head Dr. Leora Abramov said the increase was due mainly to growing awareness that there were drugs available to treat sexual dysfunctions, and to less embarrassment about seeking help for such problems, especially among young men.