Some of the musical wonders in store include a giant, wooden three-meter-high harp to be plucked via 29 mechanical fingers.
By ARI MILLERtower of david jlem 88(photo credit: )
Situated on the edge of Jerusalem's Old City, the Tower of David museum is an archeological site that offers visitors a look at history as well as modern-day existence. A walk through a site that has been presided over by as many rulers as have occupied the city itself over its long history is enriched by every aspect of the environment - from the ringing of church bells, Muslim calls to prayer and the bustling street market to an array of natural elements such as blowing wind. These are the living components onto which the current exhibition "Soundscapes" has been grafted.
Combining music, design and technology, the exhibit will provide visitors with a new type of multi-sensory experience. While walking through the courtyard at the Tower of David, visitors will encounter a wide array of musical instruments, all to be played by mechanical devices against the backdrop of the site's natural sounds.
Some of the musical wonders in store include a giant, wooden three-meter-high harp to be plucked via 29 mechanical fingers activated by advanced electromagnetic sensors; drum sections featuring a four-story tower of steel drums to be beaten by 33 robotic arms; a series of tubular bells ranging in height from three-and-a-half to five meters; and a bell tree consisting of 70 blue Hebron glass bells played as a singular instrument.
Didi Fire, who composed the installation, studied music technology at The Hague. The installation at the Tower of David combines his own personal inspirations with a complex logic system upon which computers will operate and play 30 instruments. Previously, Fire's music has appeared as part of the 21st Century Ensemble at the Tel Aviv Museum. In addition to the music, an intricate lighting system is planned to accompany and accentuate the sound.
Suitable for the whole family, the exhibition opens Saturday evening, July 22 following the Sabbath until 11 p.m. and runs through the end of the summer, operating each Saturday evening and on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 7 until 11. The cost of admission is NIS 40 for adults, NIS 30 for students and NIS 20 for children and seniors.