ANYONE INTERESTED in seeing a young, slim and hirsute Omri Sharon should read the new biography on his father, The Shepherd (HaRoeh), by Gadi Blum and Nir Hefetz. Published by Yediot Aharonot, the book includes many personal aspects of Ariel Sharon's life, including rarely published family photographs. A young, sensitive-looking Omri with a full head of hair was quite the heart-throb. The prime minister is not the only member of the government to interest the Yediot Publishi ng House - at the end of September, Yediot also launched a biography about National Infrastructure Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer. The book, entitled Fuad Against All Odds, was written by Arik Henig.
WHAT'S IN a name? Friends an d acquaintances of Rami Shavit, proprietor and managing director of the New Hamashbir, were quick to congratulate him on becoming a member of the board of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce. Shavit couldn't understand what all the fuss was abou t - not because he was being blas , but because he had no idea what they were talking about. Indeed, he was not the Rami Shavit in question. The person elected to the 11-member board is another Rami Shavit... Getting back to Hamashbir, it took Shavit a co uple of years to transform the once-failing department store chain into something truly attractive to shoppers. In the beginning, there were many hit-and-miss decisions that resulted in the closing of several branches. But after the revamping and enlargin g of some of its stores and a far better selection of merchandise, the chain is well on its way to success.
MEDIA HEIRESS Tami Mozes Borovich once crossed the lines of rivalry to join Ofer Nimrodi, whose family has the controlling in terest in Maariv, in founding glossy magazines such as Rating and Big Time. She subsequently sold her shares in Yediot Aharonot, the media empire run by her brother Noni Mozes, to Eliezer Fishman, and now has also divest ed herself of her shares in Rating and Big Time. But this time, she did venture beyond the Pale - the sale was made to Nimrodi himself. Mozes Borovich, who is the sister-in-law of Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, and one of the greatest fans of his wife, Judy Shalom Nir Mozes, is also one of the former owners of Clubmarket, the bankrupt supermarket chain, which for weeks claimed newspaper headlines. She is married to Dedi Borovich, who, with his twin brother Izzy, purchased El Al. ru
More about: | Ariel Sharon, Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, Yedioth Ahronoth, Silvan Shalom |