News of the Muse

Performers Tsipi Sheveet, Hanni Nehamias and Irit Anavi will hold a comedy "summit," with each appearing in a comic one-woman act addressing subjects such as husbands, sex, diets and housework.

standup88 (photo credit: )
(photo credit: )
Get a pet With cold and rainy weather on the way, Let the Animals Live is hosting an adoption event Saturday at 10 a.m. for cats and dogs who would otherwise spend the winter outside. A number of celebrities will appear at the event, which will take place at the Dror farm at Moshav Talmei Menashe in Ramla. Among those scheduled to attend are the cast of soap opera Hashir Shelanu (Our Song), music group The Jews and former MTV Europe hosts Becky Griffin and Eden Harel. The event will also feature food and drink stands and music. - Nathan Burstein Art for empty pockets Hanukka may not be for another couple of months, but art lovers in Tel Aviv get an early gift Thursday afternoon when, as part of "Loving Arts," all the city's art museums and galleries will be opened to the public free of charge. In addition, Thursday's event, part of an effort to bring attention to the new year's art exhibitions throughout the city, will also include (for NIS 20) organized tours of the city's sculptures, outdoor performance artists interacting with passersby at the junction of Arlozorov St. and Namir Rd., and advertising billboards featuring works of art. The events are scheduled from 3 p.m. until 10 p.m. For more information, see the Tel Aviv Municipality website at, or call (03) 516-6188. - Jason Silberman Stand-up women Performers Tsipi Sheveet, Hanni Nehamias and Irit Anavi will hold a comedy "summit" Friday evening, with each appearing in a comic one-woman act addressing subjects such as husbands, sex, diets and housework. The event is the first time the three women will appear on the same stage, and comes after years of friendship between the threesome. The night of comedy will take place at the Mofat performance venue in Hod Hasharon. - Nathan Burstein