Danino: Jobs, better schools can stop Arab-Israeli violence

Police chief Insp.-Gen. Yohanan Danino noted at the "Facing Tomorrow" presidential conference on Wednesday that violence in the Arab-Israeli sector is one of the most difficult issues facing the police. He said that violence is disproportionately higher in the Arab-Israeli sector than in other sectors.
Danino added that the source of the violence in the Arab-Israeli sector needs to be treated holistically , as it mainly stems from economic and educational problems.
Just adding more police to Arab-Israeli neighborhoods will make no difference, he said, if the number of unemployed and school drop-outs does not improve.
Danino also attempted to clarify the controversy over the recent questioning of social protest leaders, saying that no one was being held, cross-examined or investigated. The sole motivation for questioning the leaders was to learn more about their plans for the summer so that the police could be better prepared, following policing 170 demonstrations and parades last summer.