Defense Ministry: Ya'alon mixing cheap politics, security

The Defense Ministry on Wednesday morning accused Vice Prime Minister Moshe Ya'alon of mixing political considerations with issues related to Israel's security.
The Defense Ministry was responding to Ya'alon's earlier comments that Defense Minister Ehud Barak should be stripped of the authority to determine the fate of West Bank settlements. Ya'alon voiced this opinion after the IDF had ordered the evacuation of 15 families from an apartment complex they claim they legally purchased in Hebron.
Barak's bureau lashed back at Ya'alon saying, "the man who on Tuesday declared himself as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's successor, began his primary campaign by trying to enlist Feiglin supporters in the Likud."
"It is unfortunate that Ya'alon mixes cheap political considerations in defense establishment decisions, while undermining the responsibility of the government to protect democracy and the rule of law."
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