Dichter: I can best serve Israel as Home Front Defense Min.

Kadima MK Avi Dichter stated on Tuesday that his decision to accept the role of Home Front Defense Minister was a decision to serve the country in the best way that he could.
Dichter explained on his Facebook page his decision to hand in his resignation letter Tuesday morning, and to accept Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak's request that he replace outgoing Home Front Defense Minister Matan Vilna’i, who will leave next week for Beijing to be Israel’s next ambassador to China.
"After a long period of deliberation, that I did not hide from anyone... I made a decision last night to grant Netanyahu and Barak's request and be appointed as Home Front Defense Minister," he wrote.
"Partisan and personal considerations were pushed aside, and as in the past 42 years since joining the IDF, I chose to serve the country as best as I can. At this time, I believe that I can do this best in the role of Home Front Defense Minster," he continued.
"I promise all those who supported me and continue to support me, and there are many: your support has allowed me to serve the country until today and will allow me to continue to serve it," Dichter stated.