Egypt coroner says Port Said victims died of stampede

Most of the 73 deaths that occurred on the soccer field in Egypt's Port Said earlier this year likely happened as a result of suffocation and other injuries related to a stampede, Egypt's chief coroner Kamil Ihsan Georgi said Wednesday at a Cairo court hearing over the matter.
Georgi said none of the 73 victims who died February 1 at the coastal Port Said stadium had suffered surface wounds to their bodies, which would indicate bodily assault, according to Egypt's official Al-Ahram newspaper.
Family member's of the victims voiced opposition to the coroner's statements at the trial, shouting that some of the victims had been killed with "bladed weapons," according to the report.
Egyptians widely blamed Egypt's military rulers both for causing the panic at the stadium during a game between rival teams, and also for not providing adequate security to prevent the deadly scene from occurring.