Gamliel: Rosenthal slandered PM’s wife

Labor MK Miki Rosenthal lied about Sara Netanyahu mistreating workers in the Prime Minister’s Residence, MK Gila Gamliel (Likud Beytenu) wrote in a complaint to the Knesset Ethics Committee Wednesday.
Earlier this week, Rosenthal said in a Knesset caucus meeting that Sara had told a woman she would only be hired as a cook for the family if she promised not to get married in the next three years. Rosenthal said the comment was illegal, and called for the attorney-general to investigate.
The Prime Minister’s Office denied the story, accusing Rosenthal of “joining the national sport, baseless slandering of Mrs. Netanyahu in order to grab a headline.”
Gamliel’s complaint quoted Rosenthal and the office’s response, saying the Labor MK “cynically used his status and immunity, turning the public discourse into an arena for anarchic mudslinging.”