Mofaz to PM on Tal Law: Don't 'bury your head in the sand'

Opposition leader Shaul Mofaz on Sunday slammed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu calling for him "not to bury his head in the sand," and to stop stalling reform of the Tal Law.
Noting that Kadima would propose a new law at the start of the new Knesset session, Mofaz emphasized that the new law would "not be a law against anyone - we call on everyone to serve like our children serve."
"Military service is not burden, rather it is a great privilege," the Kadima party leader said, adding "it is also an obligation and it is time that the obligation apply to everyone."
Mofaz  made his comments at a Jerusalem encampment called Camp Sucker ("frier") in Whol Rose Park, where dozens of protesters have set up camp and against the backdrop of a new push by a number of political parties and unaffiliated groups to push for a reform of the Tal Law which has governed haredi (ultra-Orthodox) service and exemption from service in the army since 2002.
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