PMO slams Palestinian deal paving way for Hamas to join PLO

Israel slammed the Palestinian deal paving the way for Hamas to join the PLO on Thursday, with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's spokesman Mark Regev saying that if Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas "embraces Hamas, if he walks toward Hamas, he is walking away from peace."
Regev said that anyone who had any illusions about Hamas' true character should have listened to the speeches last week in Gaza from Hamas' leaders at an event marking the 25th anniversary of the founding of the organization. "What we heard was a stream of hateful, extremist rhetoric," he said.
Hamas, Regev said, is totally opposed to peace and reconciliation, believes that the Jewish state should be obliterated, and that terrorism against civilians is justified.  "Hamas is not a political organization that uses terrorism, Hamas is to its very core a genocidal terrorist organization," he said.