Woman delivers baby girl on hospital bench at Tzrifin

A 29-year-old woman gave birth to a healthy baby girl on Monday while sitting on a bench at Tzrifin’s Assaf Harofeh Medical Center.
R., of Gan Yavne, was at her parents' home when her waters broke. She asked her husband to take her to the hospital. Contractions increased during the ride in the car, and when they arrived at Assaf Harofeh, the young woman asked to sit on the first bench she saw.
Her husband called doctors and nurses to help, and swiftly an obstetrics team arrived with equipment and shooed away all observers. Within seven minutes of their arrival, a 2.7-kilo baby was delivered. "Everyone around me applauded," R. recalled.
The mother and baby were rushed to the recovery room as she no longer needed the delivery room. Midwife Karen Lee Ovadia said she was alerted that a woman was giving birth outside the department. I immediately grabbed gloves, sheets, blankets and delivery equipment."
As she was fully dressed, her trousers were removed and the baby’s head was seen to be outside. The team members turned the sheets and blankets into a makeshift tent to ensure privacy.
"Moments like these are worth everything," said the midwife afterwards.