Yacimovich: Economic report 'indictment' of PM's policy

Labor party head Shelly Yacimovich said Tuesday that the State of the Nation Report for 2011-2012 released Tuesday morning by the Taub Center was a "serious scientific indictment" against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's economic policy.
"Beyond the fact that it emphasizes problems serious and well-known problems - social inequality, unfair taxation and failed privatization - we are now witness the fact that the future is now in jeopardy. The study states clearly that there is no industrial horizon for young academics and that their salaries will continue to erode. If the youth were holding on to anything, it was their hope, and this morning that too has vanished, as long as Netanyahu will continue to govern."
Yacimovich added that her Labor party would present an robust alternative to Netanyahu's economic policy within the coming days.