By QUEEN OF KATAMONbarbie88(photo credit: )Forty days
Spending so much time at the gym, I do a lot of thinking there. And then after, I think some about the gym.
It's pure grit, this gym business. Hard, tiring and sometimes boring, with a few runner's highs in between. Like the life on a treadmill parable. Well, sometimes it feels like we're running nowhere in particular, hopefully we'll eventually feel/see the results. One step at a time, that's how a marathon is run.
Back to last Friday nite. At dinner we were talking about going to the Kotel for forty days. It's a thing some people do here. You go to pray for forty days straight for one, and only one thing. I've always wanted to do it. But when I thought about it, the limitation of only one prayer, I couldn't commit. What one and only one thing would I, could I, ask for? Many go to pray for their soul mate. Others for health for a sick person. I'm sure there are a million more individual wishes grand and small people bring before G-d. And I'm fairly certain this pilgrimage doesn't null and void all other prayers during that time. But to commit to one prayer? Maybe that's the quest. Finding out what's the most meaningful thing to me in present time. Not fleeting as in what's on my mind today, but real, sustainable, compelling, and achievable.
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