About me: Samuel Bejar Gurwitz

Samuel Bejar Gurwitz 298 (photo credit: )
Samuel Bejar Gurwitz 298
(photo credit: )
TRY ONE YOURSELF>>> Age: 42 Residence: Mexico City, Mexico Married? With children? Married 13 years with one 4-year-old son Occupation: Marketing Director Education: BA in marketing and advertising Pets: None Religious affiliation / observance: Jewish / Conservative Last person / party I voted for: Mexico's President, Felipe Calderon Family history (100 words max): My grandparents on my father's side came to Mexico from Turkey and from my mother's side from Russia. Both my parents were born in Mexico and I was born here too. So, I'm half Sephardic and half Ashkenazi, and married to a 100% Ashkenazi girl My connection with Israel: I spent a full year in Israel after highschool and it marked my life forever in the most positive way. No matter what, I'll always support Israel's cause On Friday night, I... go to Kabbalat Shabat at my in-laws' house with all my family Last book I read was: I'm currently reading "Freakonomics" by Levitt and Dubner. Really amusing Comfort food: Chicken & noodle soup Happiness: 1-10 (10 being the happiest) 9 TRY ONE YOURSELF>>> Meet all 'About Me' participants