About Me: Sandi Cohen

sandi cohen 298 (photo credit: )
sandi cohen 298
(photo credit: )
TRY ONE YOURSELF>>> Age: 56 Residence: Teaneck, NJ, USA Married? With children? Widowed with one at home, one in Israel Occupation: Dance Instructor, Artist, Writer Education: University, Dance Training, Life, Years in Tel Aviv Pets: Only a child Religious affiliation / observance: Eclectic and Zionistic Last person / party I voted for: Begin Family history (100 words max): My parents were refugees from WWII to NY. Grew up in Washington Heights and travelled often to Israel. Spent many years living as an Israeli Citizen, married at the Rabbinate to a South African who is now deceased and adopted three Israeli kids; I teach Bellydancing to Senior Citizens and exhibit my artwork plus write for Jewish publications My connection with Israel: Very, very strong; my daughter, her husband and two and a half kids live in Afula On Friday night, I... think about my life and feel sorry for myself Last book I read was: The Woods, by Harlan Coben Comfort food: Ice Cream, Chocolate Happiness: 1-10 (10 being the happiest) 5 TRY ONE YOURSELF>>> Meet all 'About Me' participants