History Revisited: Six-Day War victory

New! on JPost.com: Historic front pages of our newspaper since 1932. Today: June 8th, 1967.

six day war soldiers 88 (photo credit: Courtesy)
six day war soldiers 88
(photo credit: Courtesy)
The Palestine Post and later The Jerusalem Post has been around since 1932, reporting the history of the Jewish people and the State of Israel for 75 years. The following is a new feature titled 'History Revisited', where we will show you images of those magnificent front pages from 1932 onwards. Featured today: Six-Day War victory, June 8th, 1967
  • June 8, 1967 - Six-Day War victory [
    2.5MB ]
    (File may take several seconds to load) Use the zoom option - the plus sign - icon in Acrobat Reader to read the small text If you can't read a PDF format, click here to get Adobe Acrobat Reader Previous covers: 5.2.1945 - The day Hitler died [
    2.5MB ]
    10.9.1973 - Yom Kippur War erupts [
    2.1MB ]
    12.1.1932 - The 'Post' is born [
    1.3MB ]
    5.16.1948 - The State is Born [
    554K ]