The Blog Down: A warm welcome

The blogosphere was astir this week with the addition of several new bloggers.

Islamic Jihad member rides truck 370  (photo credit: REUTERS/Ahmed Zakot)
Islamic Jihad member rides truck 370
(photo credit: REUTERS/Ahmed Zakot)
I would like to welcome Earl Cox and Gadi Adelman who have both joined our blogging community.
Earl Cox has been a contributing writer for the Christian Edition of The Jerusalem Post in the Premium Zone and has now started a new blog with us, Israel Uncensored.
Cox is an international broadcaster and journalist who has served in senior level positions with four US presidents. Due to his outspoken support for Israel, he has been recognized by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu as a Good Will Ambassador from Israel to the Jewish and Christian communities around the world and was named the Voice of Israel to America by former prime minister Ehud Olmert.
And Earl doesn't waste any time publishing; in his first post, Political correctness regarding Islam: America's biggest mistake? He writes, "Many of America’s political and religious leaders stand firm against radical Islam and the threat of violence against Israel and Western civilization…Political correctness blinds citizens and politicians alike, and it is a tool Muslims could easily use to hijack and colonize American society. America’s future as a free and democratic society hangs in the balance and our future is linked with Israel’s future."
Welcome Earl! We look forward to reading your next installment.
I would also like to offer a warm welcome to Adelman, whose new blog, Calling out Terrorism, addresses counter-terrorism, Islam and the National Security of both Israel and the US.
Gadi teaches, lectures, and speaks publicly on terrorism, jihad, Islam and Shari’a (Islamic Law). His articles have appeared in dozens of publications and have been translated into several languages from Spanish to Vietnamese. In addition to blogging for, Adelman has his own weekly radio show "America Akbar" that can be heard on the Radio Jihad network on Blogtalk radio.
In his first blog, Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer, Gadi offers harsh criticism of the ties between the current US Administration and the Muslim Brotherhood both abroad and within senior positions in the US government.
Our veteran bloggers were also busy this week and here are some of the highlights. Michelle Huberman's post, ‘Forgotten’ Refugees no more – thanks to Danny Ayalon, discusses the plight of Jewish refugees from Arab lands which was brought center stage this month.
"We have Danny Ayalon and the current government to thank for putting this issue firmly on the international agenda. The forgotten refugees are forgotten no more." It's about time.

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Rabbi Eric Yoffie posts a controversial blog this week, Settlers, security, and the teachings of Judaism, in which he questions the conclusions of Israeli leaders. The rabbi offers his take based on the words of the prophet Amos,
"I recommend, therefore, that they [Israeli leaders] look to the teachings of Amos: Territories and borders are not now and have never been the essential issue. What is essential is a fair resolution of a difficult conflict that will provide security for Israel and justice for all the inhabitants of the land."
What's your take? Read his post and join the discussion.
Speaking of discussions, to conclude our wrap I turn to the ever popular David Turner, whose blog, Christian Insecurity and the Jewish Problem: the failed Second Coming, has evoked over 300 comments from readers!
Wow. Keep up the great work, David; I think its safe to say we all look forward to your next blog. The writer is The Jerusalem Post’s blogs editor