'Nothing we once thought to be true about Bush has remained so' - Susan, US
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFNew! on JPost.com: The Hot Potato This is your chance to voice your opinion. We've chosen a controversial / interesting entry that appeared on our site (talkback, blog, etc...) and we want to know what you have to say about it.
TODAY'S HOT POTATO:Taken from article:Elon: Bush 'detached from reality'Talkback #: 33
Talkbacker: Susan, US
Text: The reality of Bush lies within those to whom he panders. Nothing 'we once thought' to be true about Bush has remained so. His supporters yawn knowing full well this is the truth. And they yawn at the expense of Israel while at the same time knocking supposed liberals for their pandering and appeasing. Sadly Bush looks more and more like those liberals with each passing day. What an irony but at the expense of Israel.
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