'Respect is what is lacking in most of this sad, tiresome, shameful debate'
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFhot potato 224(photo credit: )New! on JPost.com: The Hot Potato This is your chance to voice your opinion. We've chosen a controversial / interesting entry that appeared on our site (talkback, blog, etc...) and we want to know what you have to say about it.
TODAY'S HOT POTATO:Taken from article:Rabbi Eliyahu: 'Reform synagogues reek of hell'Talkback #: 62
Talkbacker: Neal, USA
Text: Those who do not affiliate, do not attend a synagogue of any kind - even R. Eliyahu's apikorasim hhouses of hell, do not hear the TTorah at all. It is better to do what mitzvot one can than to do no mitzvot at all.I have belonged to a Conservative shul for 35 years. I do not keep many of the mitzvot, but I try to do as many as I can and I have profound respect for those who can do more. Respect is what is lacking in most of this sad, tiresome, shameful debate.
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