and Israellycool host this year's Jewish and Israeli Blog Awards. Vote for your favorite blog!
Welcome to 2005 Jewish and Israeli Blog Awards! The first round or voting is now open.The Jerusalem Post has joined in hosting the second annual JIB awards, with the aim of bringing this exciting event to a greater audience while maintaining the blog community's grass-roots spirit.
Nominations on the Web site for 17 different categories have been closed.
The voting is now taking place at in two stages. The preliminary round of voting continues until midnight January 19th EST in 12 categories.
Start voting now!
Voting timetable:
January 9 - 19: Preliminary voting round
January 24 - February 2: Final voting round
February 7: JIB winners announced
The top six vote-getters will advance to the final round of voting which is set to start on January 24th, with the final awards going to the top three placers in each of the 17 categories.
The final award winners will be announced on both sites, and will be honored with fame and glory as well as JIB award banners (designed by Zahava Bogner, Ventures Consulting Group, Inc.) to post on their blogsites.
You can view all the nominees and relevant voting groups by clicking here.
You may vote once every three days in any single poll, and we suggest you read the competition rules before voting.
Please support the awards by voting in all categories and spread the word to your friends and family.
Thank you for supporting the 2005 JIB Awards on The Jerusalem Post and Best of luck to all bloggers.