Health ministry: be careful how you handle the fish for the Seder.
Once potentially risk Pessah cleaning is over, be careful how you handle the fish for the Seder, the Health Ministry warns. Pond fish - especially amnun, buri and denis - require careful cleaning and preparation, as Vibrio vulnificus bacteria are often found in them, and if the fins and scales prick fingers, a serious and even-fatal infection can result.
The ministry said that every Pessah, there are reports of complications from such infection, causing severe pain, edema, boils and even sepsis. From time to time, there are cases requiring amputation of an arm and some people have died from complications of the infection.
Fish should be purchased only from a reputable place with a business license. Fresh fish should be kept in a glass display case with ice. Do not buy fish from any retailer, including an open stand, that doesn't keep fish under such conditions. Don't buy whole live or cooled fish. Insist that you are supplied with fish with their scales, fins and gills removed.
People who suffer from chronic diseases and weak immune systems and people with open sores on their hands should avoid all contact with raw fish.
As huge numbers of eggs are eaten during Pessah, the ministry also advised the public about handling of eggs that were improperly treated and have Salmonella enteritidis infections inside or on the shells and can cause intestinal infections. Fever, vomiting and diarrhea can result, especially in babies and the elderly. Eggs that are not properly stored in cool surroundings can spread the bacteria. All eggs cartons must be stamped with the sorting station, address, type of eggs and last day of sale. Don't buy broken or cracked eggs.
Meanwhile, Yad Sarah reported Thursday that the amount of medical equipment lent out for Pessah has risen dramatically - three times the usual - as families invite elderly relatives home to spend the holiday with them. The voluntary organization's 100 branches are getting hundreds of thousands of shekels worth of new equipment - all purchased from donations - to lend out before the festival of freedom. Information on which branches will be open during Pessah can be obtained at its Web site at