Send us your comments Shannon Osborne, Winston Salem, NC, USA: In a country that is currently struggling demographically to maintain its identity as a Jewish state, the murder of such great numbers of unborn Jewish babies is a true disgrace. Israel should not require mandatory military service from its women, and should also tighten down its criteria for allowing abortions. This is a travesty. How long will Israel allow her children to be sacrificed to the gods of feminism? Israel is, to her own folly, following us in the USA down the wayward path of misguided ultra-feminism, setting aside the sanctity of life for the convenience of slaughter. Mikhail Osterfeld, Vienna, VA, USA: This article illustrates a simple truth that should be self-evident: Women do not belong in the military except in cases of extreme national emergency. As a US Army officer, I have seen first-hand the deleterious effect on morale, health and discipline produced by the mere presence of females in the ranks. All-male units fight better, stand up to stress better and are far more cohesive than their mixed-gender counterparts. Israel is no longer so desperate for manpower that it needs women in its army. The fact that thousands of Jewish babies are being callously murdered for the sake of convenience is merely another reason to end this nonsense. Why does a nation surrounded by enemies on all sides have to tolerate this tremendous burden on its armed forces and demography merely for the sake of fulfilling the power fantasies of a few feminists? Rick Dorfman, Cherry Hill, NJ, USA: The 8/31 article, "Pregnancy Rates of IDF Soldiers Rises," claims that nearly 3/4 of pregnant soldiers chose to abort their fetuses for a total of 4,400 abortions in 2003. The overall legal rate of abortion in Israel is 12.2%, meaning that the rate of abortions in the IDF is ~6x greater than the national average. In the civilian world, then, there would have only been 732 abortions from the same sample. This means that the world lost 3,668 potential lives as a result of female presence in the IDF; more than the total number of Israelis killed by Arabs during the Intifada. It's time for a change in the IDF's structure. Women should be allowed to opt out of the army in favor of continuing their education, and to compensate for lost soldiers, the army should require a mandatory fourth year of service for men, with increased rank and pay.
Pregnancy rates of IDF soldiers rise
Pregnancies rose in 2003 to 21.5 per 1,000 women soldiers aged 18 to 20 – a 16% increase.
Send us your comments Shannon Osborne, Winston Salem, NC, USA: In a country that is currently struggling demographically to maintain its identity as a Jewish state, the murder of such great numbers of unborn Jewish babies is a true disgrace. Israel should not require mandatory military service from its women, and should also tighten down its criteria for allowing abortions. This is a travesty. How long will Israel allow her children to be sacrificed to the gods of feminism? Israel is, to her own folly, following us in the USA down the wayward path of misguided ultra-feminism, setting aside the sanctity of life for the convenience of slaughter. Mikhail Osterfeld, Vienna, VA, USA: This article illustrates a simple truth that should be self-evident: Women do not belong in the military except in cases of extreme national emergency. As a US Army officer, I have seen first-hand the deleterious effect on morale, health and discipline produced by the mere presence of females in the ranks. All-male units fight better, stand up to stress better and are far more cohesive than their mixed-gender counterparts. Israel is no longer so desperate for manpower that it needs women in its army. The fact that thousands of Jewish babies are being callously murdered for the sake of convenience is merely another reason to end this nonsense. Why does a nation surrounded by enemies on all sides have to tolerate this tremendous burden on its armed forces and demography merely for the sake of fulfilling the power fantasies of a few feminists? Rick Dorfman, Cherry Hill, NJ, USA: The 8/31 article, "Pregnancy Rates of IDF Soldiers Rises," claims that nearly 3/4 of pregnant soldiers chose to abort their fetuses for a total of 4,400 abortions in 2003. The overall legal rate of abortion in Israel is 12.2%, meaning that the rate of abortions in the IDF is ~6x greater than the national average. In the civilian world, then, there would have only been 732 abortions from the same sample. This means that the world lost 3,668 potential lives as a result of female presence in the IDF; more than the total number of Israelis killed by Arabs during the Intifada. It's time for a change in the IDF's structure. Women should be allowed to opt out of the army in favor of continuing their education, and to compensate for lost soldiers, the army should require a mandatory fourth year of service for men, with increased rank and pay.