During the years 2009-2010, 52% of Jerusalem residents aged 20+ used the Internet.
The Internet is used for a variety of purposes, including information seeking, e-mail correspondence and contact with friends. Presumably some of you are reading this column on the Web right now. Use of the Internet is relatively widespread: 67 percent of Israeli residents ages 20 and above used it during 2010 and usage increases from year to year. In 2002, the first year during which the Central Bureau of Statistics Social Survey was conducted, it was found that 32% of Israel’s residents aged 20+ had used the Internet. In 2005 47% of Israel’s residents aged 20+ used the Internet.During the years 2009-2010, 52% of Jerusalem residents aged 20+ used the Internet. There is a significant difference in usage between Jews (66%) and Arabs (33%), and among Jews there is a difference in Internet usage according to religious affiliation. The lowest rate of Internet usage was recorded in the haredi (ultra- Orthodox) population (35%). Among traditional Jews the rate of usage was 61%, among the secular it was 80% and among the Orthodox the highest rate was measured: 84%.As in the case of residents nationally, among Jerusalemites aged 20+ the most common use of the Internet was for the purposes of information seeking and e-mail. Among Jerusalem’s computer users, 92% and 88% (respectively) reported that they use the computer for these purposes. Additional purposes were the downloading of files (58%) and discussion groups and chats (46%). Many Jerusalemites also reported using the computer to access government services (38%), to shop (25%), and to make payments (23%).Among Jerusalemites with mobile phones, 11% used the Internet via their cellular phones, compared to 19% in Israel generally.The remainder opted not to use this service or had phones that lack this service. Presumably some of these are among the 39% of Jerusalem residents aged 20+ (27% among Israel’s residents) who say that “the Internet is a waste of time.” Most Jerusalemites (65%) and Israeli residents (73%) held an opposite opinion, saying that “use of the Internet is enjoyable.” • www.jiis.org