Paul McNulty was only US official that spoke out publicly on the case.
By NATHAN GUTTMANmcnulty 88(photo credit: )
Paul McNulty, the prosecutor handling the AIPAC-Franklin case, was chosen to serve as deputy attorney general.
The White House has announced President Bush's decision to nominate McNulty to the position and he will now face Senate confirmation before assuming the new role.
McNulty, who is the US attorney in Alexandria, Virginia, has led the investigation against former Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin and former AIPAC staffers Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman, from its early stages.
He is the only US official that has spoken out publicly on the case, saying, when the indictments were served, that the three defendants - Franklin, Rosen and Weissman, tried to communicate classified information in order to promote their own agenda.
The case is now in court and the trial is due to begin on January 3rd.
The Alexandria office of the US attorney under McNulty's supervision, has dealt, since September 11, 2001 with a large number of federal terror cases, including the trial of Zacharias Moussaoui, who is charged with being part of the hijacking plot and John Walker Lindh, known as "the American Taliban".
The nomination of McNulty to deputy attorney general is not expected to have any affect on the Franklin - AIPAC trial that is led now by the trial lawyers. McNulty will continue his current job until confirmed by Senate.