Bangladeshi authorities Monday banned another radical Islamic group following a recent spate of nationwide bombings, a Home Ministry statement said.
Bangladeshi authorities Monday banned another radical Islamic group following a recent spate of nationwide bombings, a Home Ministry statement said.
Harkatul Jihad Al-Islami has been "identified as a terrorist organization" and all of its activities have been prohibited, it said.
The group wants to establish strict Islamic rule in Bangladesh, a Muslim-majority nation governed by secular laws. Earlier this month, police arrested Mufti Abdul Hannan, an Islamic cleric who is the suspected head of Harkatul Jihad Al-Islami.
In February, authorities banned the hardline Jumatul Mujahedin Bangladesh and Jagrata Muslim Janata groups following allegations of responsibility for killings, bomb attacks and threats.
The two organizations have been blamed for staging almost simultaneous bombings at government offices and courts on Aug. 17 and Oct. 3.