Clinton to press ahead with the campaign, regrets racial tension in contest
Democrat Hillary Clinton vowed to remain in the presidential race until the final Democratic Party primaries next month while her campaign built a case that she now leads in the popular vote if the disputed contests in Michigan and Florida are counted.
Clinton gave a round of television interviews Wednesday before meeting with her finance team and top fundraisers at her Washington home.
Participants described the session as upbeat and said the unifying message was that Clinton, with her lopsided victory over front-runner Barack Obama in West Virginia on Tuesday, now had the lead in votes cast thus far. The numbers, however, include the results from the Florida and Michigan primaries, which the national Democratic Party has not recognized.
"You don't walk off the court before the buzzer sounds," Clinton said on CNN, using a bit of basketball wisdom.
On CNN, Clinton said that she shouldn't have suggested in a newspaper interview that Barack Obama was having trouble winning over "hardworking ... white Americans."
Told that a top black supporter, Rep. Charles Rangel, had called the remark "the dumbest thing you could have possibly said," Clinton said "Well, he's probably right."