European FMs to Lieberman: Europe plays vital ME role
Spanish FM says, "If we didn't have a role, maybe our friend Lieberman wouldn't have reacted as he did"; FMs optimistic about peace process.
By JPOST.COM STAFFKouchner and Moratinos 311(photo credit: Associated Press)
Europe plays a vital role in the Middle East, Foreign Ministers Bernard Kouchner of France and Miguel Angel Moratinos of Spain said Monday, in response to Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman's comments that Europe solve its own conflicts before giving Israel advice."If we didn't have a role, if we didn't have any weight, if we didn't have any influence, maybe our friend Lieberman wouldn't have reacted as he did," said Moratinos as quoted in an AFP report.RELATED:Lieberman: 'We will not be victims of appeasement'Lieberman: 'We will not be the Czechoslovakia of 2010'In Amman on Monday, Jordan's King Abdullah II expressed similar sentiments regarding Europe's influence in the Middle East, telling Kouchner and Moratinos that "Europe plays a key role in supporting peace efforts to overcome problems facing the Palestinian-Israeli talks," reported AFP.Earlier, the Spanish and French foreign ministers met in Jerusalem with Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, and expressed optimism toward bringing both sides back to the negotiating table for peace talks.On Sunday, Kouchner told Palestinian media, "We want to be able to soon welcome the state of Palestine to the United Nations. This is the hope and the desire of the international community, and the sooner that can happen the better," he said.