Letters to the editor

Wiesenthal Blvd.

Wiesenthal Blvd. Sir, I am petitioning the Jerusalem municipality (jereng@jerusalem.muni.il) to honor the late Simon Wiesenthal by changing the name of King George St. to Simon Wiesenthal Blvd. Instead of a now-obscure king of Britain the name of a main road in the city center should be named for a true Jewish hero. ALAN SCHLEIDER Jerusalem Sir, Simon Wiesenthal was a great man, a role model for younger generations. One man. Alone. Can. Make a difference. ADRIAN M. SHRYANE First And Last Church Bristol, UK Why the press 'forgot' them Sir, One can understand why the Israeli press forgot about the families evacuated from Gush Katif ("Katrina-coverage, American-style," September 16). The press were super-protective of the prime minister both before and during the evacuation. Now, in the aftermath, when the plight of the evacuees many of whom are homeless and jobless bears witness to the uncaring attitude of Ariel Sharon as regards post-disengagement planning, the press would seem to be continuing their protection. Hence the evacuees' problems are being swept under the carpet. It's a shocking thought that if only a tiny fraction of the huge effort expended on the disengagement had been put into absorbing the evacuees elsewhere as communities, their suffering could have been greatly eased. RHONA YEMINI Givatayim Housing mess Sir, In her comments to Anita Tucker, Sally Tanger charges the wrong people with the housing mess that faced the Gush Katif evacuees ("No fallback," Letters, September 18). The population of Gush Katif couldn't, until the last minute, believe it possible that Israelis would tear them from their settlements. In 30 years they transformed sand into a flourishing paradise, creating agricultural plants bringing millions of dollars annually to the Israeli economy. Two years was enough for the government to not only build caravans but also be well into permanent construction. Why didn't it build some villages? That's the least it could have done tosoften the blow. OHAYON MAYAN Jerusalem Israel wasn't left out: CNN Sir, As Frank Van Bers so succinctly wrote in "Invisible Israel" (Letters, September 8), the story about international aid being offered to the United States in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina was a major story for CNN. May I reassure Mr. Van Bers and all your readers that Israel has featured in our coverage of aid being offered to the US. On September 7, Zain Verjee specifically reported, using AP pictures, that "the Israeli government is also waiting to load hurricane relief supplies... including tents, generators, bedding,diapers." NICK WRENN Managing Editor CNN Europe, Middle East & Africa London Voice for Israel Sir, Every Friday I look forward to David Horovitz's column. He is one of the best writers about Israel in the world, with insights that are consistently excellent. The Jerusalem Report's loss is The Jerusalem Post's gain ("Because sometimes we forget," September 16). LOU LACHTER St. Paul, Minneapolis