US working to remove N. Korea from list of terror sponsoring states
The US is working with North Korea to remove it from Washington's blacklist of states sponsoring terrorism as American experts prepare to start disabling the communist nation's nuclear reactor, a top US diplomat said Friday.
Taking Pyongyang off the terror list, long a key demand of the North, was one of a series of economic and political concessions offered for the country to disable its nuclear reactor that produces plutonium for bombs.
"We're in the middle of that work with the (North) with the understanding that the (North) wants to get off the list and we also want to get them off the list," US Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill told reporters in Seoul.
The American envoy said the North should accede "to all UN convenants and international standards on terrorism" to prove that the country is "no longer engaged in any terrorism acts, no longer is providing assistance to terrorist groups."