The truth is that the pace of the reports coming out of the American media in recent weeks about Iran is almost breathtaking.First was Bergman’s piece, which opened with the dramatic description of Defense Minister Ehud Barak peering out the window of his luxury apartment in the Akirov Towers in Tel Aviv at the lights below while warning that Iran’s ultimate goal is to destroy the State of Israel.
Analysis: Media frenzy on Iran contradicts reality
Media preoccupation with Iran contradicts new reality forged by sanctions.
The truth is that the pace of the reports coming out of the American media in recent weeks about Iran is almost breathtaking.First was Bergman’s piece, which opened with the dramatic description of Defense Minister Ehud Barak peering out the window of his luxury apartment in the Akirov Towers in Tel Aviv at the lights below while warning that Iran’s ultimate goal is to destroy the State of Israel.