Bush: Iranian nuclear issue 'continues to be a problem'

The Iranian nuclear issue is a problem, and continues to be a problem that must be addressed by the international community, US President George W. Bush said Wednesday in an unscheduled response to a US intelligence review that said Iran had halted its nuclear weapons development program in 2003. Bush said he appreciated the work of the intelligence community that helped [the US] understand Iran's past and present nuclear activity. Bush called the information "critical" to efforts to curb the country's enrichment program. It was clear from the recent report that Iran has more to explain about its past actions, particularly the covert program it operated until 2003 - a program the current regime has yet to acknowledge, Bush said. "Iran has a choice. It can come clean with the international community and accept [our] long-standing offer to cut its program and negotiate. Or it can continue on a path of isolation, which is not in the interest of the Iranian people," Bush declared, adding that "the choice is up to the Iranian regime."