29 Israeli films to be shown for NIS 10 on Israeli Film Day
For screening times and information, check with individual theaters.
By HANNAH BROWNmovie theater 88 224(photo credit: Courtesy, Tzilum Pirsum)
Twenty-nine new Israeli movies will be shown at theaters all across the country for just NIS 10 on September 25, to celebrate the sixth annual Israeli Film Day.These films will include Israeli movies that premiered this year, as well as movies that have not yet been released.The previously released films include Peaches & Cream, Working Woman, Tel Aviv on Fire, Synonyms, The Golem and The Dive. Upcoming films include Spider in the Web, Incitement, I Was Born in Jerusalem and I’m Still Alive and Chained.Actor ltzik Cohen, who appears in Spider in the Web and who has starred in many Israeli classics, including A Matter of Size and Sima Vaknin Witch, will be honored with an achievement award.Short films and children’s films will also be shown for NIS 10.Israeli Film Day is an initiative of the Culture and Sport Ministry and the Film Industry Association.For screening times and information, check with individual theaters.